Mobile Apps and Weight Loss Technology
Mobile Apps and Weight Loss Technology
A recent study at Drexler University aims to test if there could be any kind of relation between a brain’s “inhibitory control” and the appetite. The main idea behind this study is to inspect if a mobile application can help your brain change its behavior towards sweets and food cravings. This interesting topic – in case proved success - can serve as an excellent solution to the obesity problem that is often affecting a wide percentage of teenagers in the western communities.

The mobile application to be considered is designed to enhance the “inhibitory control” - which is the main part of the brain responsible for unhealthy cravings. The application works by detecting patterns of a person’s lifestyle in a very smart way to be able to send them back to track whenever they stray out of their usual diet.

According to further researches, “inhibitory control” can get stronger and stronger each time you force yourself to stay away from any kind of desired food. Logically, whenever you smell or see a desired food you will need to have one on the spot as a first reaction. The mobile application will help you stop by notifying you each time you slip from your usual diet. Studies showed that when such kinds of notifications happen occasionally, the “inhibitory control” resistance will improve at each time until you reach a limit where you have a full blocking mode on sweet cravings and appetite.

This application distinguishes itself from the hundreds of other diet applications available on the web nowadays, not because it only tracks a person's eating habits, but it uses that information to give personalized advices.

Rami Zebian
Software Engineer, LeLaboDigital
[email protected]